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Coal committee hears Albertans want overall policy on Rocky Mountain development

Coal committee hears Albertans want overall policy on Rocky Mountain development

If there's one theme that has emerged, Wallace said, it's that people don't want a coal policy that only deals with the how and where of mining. They want a broad policy that balances economic, environmental and recreational needs over an entire landscape. "While our terms of reference are clearly focused on a modernized coal policy, we are recognizing that any factors that are going into that modernization are going to have to take account of these broader issues," he said.

Federal government vows again to end boil water advisories but offers no new target date

Federal government vows again to end boil water advisories but offers no new target date

Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller today recommitted the federal government to its goal of lifting all long-term drinking water advisories on First Nations reserves — but didn't offer a timeline for completing the work. With 58 active advisories remaining in 38 communities, the Liberals will miss a self-imposed deadline this month for lifting all long-term advisories. Miller said today that ensuring access to clean tap water for all First Nations communities remains a top government priority.

Canada Blows Deadline to Provide Clean Water, Offers Website Instead

Canada Blows Deadline to Provide Clean Water, Offers Website Instead

As part of its efforts toward “reconciliation” with First Nations, the Canadian government has long heralded the significance of March 2021 as the month when it would deliver clean water infrastructure to all First Nations reserves. On Wednesday, it revised that promise. North Caribou First Nation in present day Ontario, Canada, is one of 38 First Nations communities the Canadian government says is still without a reliable supply of clean drinking water. The 800-member community has been on boil water notices off and on for decades. Yet Canada just added North Caribou to its official tally of First Nations reserves still in need of clean water on March 3.