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storm-related outages

In highrise buildings, continued storm-related outages mean banding together

In highrise buildings, continued storm-related outages mean banding together

Another major concern is water. Hazaa Alnuaimi said he spent time in a refugee camp before coming to Canada, and the lack of usable water reminded him of those conditions. His family of six lives on the 10th floor but stood outside their building cooking over a public barbeque Thursday. "I need water. Nobody supplies us with that." Alnuaimi may have to relocate if his power and water aren't reconnected soon, he said. Many have reached a breaking point.

Heat domes, wildfires and flooding: Get prepared now for the next emergency, experts say

Heat domes, wildfires and flooding: Get prepared now for the next emergency, experts say

Jackie Kloosterboer has worked with people caught in emergencies for more than two decades, and time and again she's seen how simple planning could have helped them through the catastrophe. Kloosterboer, who is the City of Vancouver's emergency planner, spent her summer working out of Chilliwack with her staff to help people who were forced to flee due to wildfires. A few months later, she was working out of Abbotsford to help those affected by flooding.