Water testing at RMOW facilities finds elevated lead, copper
The Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) is working on mitigation efforts for drinking water in municipal facilities—while continuing to work on longer-term solutions for the entire community—after testing done late last year found elevated levels of lead and copper on first samplings. A report by Kerr Wood Leidal consulting engineers dated Dec. 10, 2020 shows the results for 11 RMOW-owned buildings: The Point Artist-Run Centre; the Maury Young Arts Centre; the Spruce Grove Fieldhouse (home of the Waldorf School); the Public Works Yard; Municipal Hall; the Public Safety Building (which houses the Whistler RCMP); the main firehall; Spring Creek Community School; the Whistler Museum and Archives; the Whistler Public Library; and a house at 7235 Fitzsimmons Road North.